
  • Title : Kashmir as a Tourist Destination: A Critical Appraisal
    Author(s) : Faheem Ashraf
    KeyWords : Tourism, destination reputation, visitor perceptions, hospitality, Kashmir, socio-economic impact
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    Nestled in the northernmost region of the Indian subcontinent, Kashmir has long been revered for its breathtaking landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and historical significance. The region, often referred to as “Paradise on Earth,” has been a subject of fascination for travellers, writers, and poets for centuries. However, the question that beckons in the present-day context is whether Kashmir remains a preferred tourist destination, given the complex tapestry of historical, political, and security factors that have shaped its image. Political disputes and security concerns have cast shadows over the valley, impacting its tourism industry. The journey of a potential tourist is marked not only by anticipation but also by uncertainty. This article ventures on a critical examination of the status of Kashmir as a tourist destination. It scrutinises the factors that contribute to its allure and the challenges that affect its reputation. Through a nuanced exploration of visitor experiences and a comparative analysis with other destinations, this article comprehensively responds to the question: Is Kashmir a preferred tourist destination today?

  • Title : Access to Justice: A Sociological Perspective on Legal Aid in India
    Author(s) : Iftikhar Hussain Bhat
    KeyWords : Sociological Perspectives; Access to Justice; Legal Aid; Intersectionality; Inclusive Approaches; Societal Ethos
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    Access to justice is a fundamental tenet of any democratic society, ensuring that individuals have the means to seek legal remedies and uphold their rights. This research paper explores sociological perspectives on access to justice in the context of legal aid initiatives in India. Drawing on key insights from scholars in sociology and law, the study emphasizes the need for a holistic understanding of legal systems intertwined with societal structures. The Intersectionality of factors such as gender, caste, and class is central to the analysis, urging legal aid programs to adopt inclusive approaches tailored to the unique challenges faced by different social groups. The paper proposes practical suggestions for enhancing access to justice, including culturally responsive legal aid, technology integration, community collaboration, and simplified legal procedures. By advocating for the regular evaluation and adaptation of legal aid strategies, the research envisions a transformative legal landscape that actively contributes to broader social change. The paper highlights the intersection of law and sociology on the subject, showcasing how a sociological lens enriches legal frameworks and fosters a more just and equitable society where access to justice becomes integral to societal ethos.

  • Title : Impact of Covid-19 on Religious Festivals of Kashmiri Pandits : A Qualitative Study of District Srinagar, J&K
    Author(s) : Aasif Hussain Sheikh
    KeyWords : Crisis, Covid-19, Festival, Pandits, Srinagar
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    This work is an attempt to study the impact of Covid 19 pandemic on the celebration of religious festivals of the Kashmiri Pandit community. Some commonsense observations on the celebration of festivals during Covid and the dominant discourse are questioned in terms sociology of religion of their appropriateness for the particular community. Observations about the Kashmiri Pandit celebrations, impact due to Covid on these religious celebrations and the uniqueness of these festivals encouraged this study to focus on such a problem and subject. It has been considered that there has been a structural and moral impact on the celebration of these festivals due to the disruptions caused by Covid 19 pandemic. After entertaining these aspects, it was decided to conduct a qualitative inquiry that might respond to this observation in a detailed way. The data for this research was collected from Kashmiri pandits both males and females by applying the face to face structured interview method. After that, the data was analyzed under main themes emphasizing “significance of these festivals”, “social gathering and social distance”, ‘’ religious sentiment and festival spirit and “ritual art”. After the analysis, the most influential sociological theories such as the functionalism and lived religion (phenomenology) where introduced in order to understand, the themes from a participant perspective. At the end of the study, it will be concluded that, Corona virus has impacted both the large and small scale festivals and had both individual and group impacts. Lastly, this study shall suggest that future studies should evaluate the impact of Covid 19 on the future of events and celebrations and policy strategy should be adopted, so that the economic looses can be minimized and it may help to create jobs.

  • Title : Socio-Cultural Implications of COVID-19 on Transgenders: A Study
    Author(s) : Mansoor Ahmad and Aneesa Shafi
    KeyWords : COVID-19, transgenders, Kashmir, qualitative approach, pandemic
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    Transgender persons are one such group of people who have been marginalized and excluded from general society and the COVID-19 pandemic has amplified these socio-cultural problems for them. Therefore, it is imperative to protect such vulnerable populations from this pandemic particularly considering they are at an increased risk for a wide range of issues. Telephonic Interviews were conducted with 20 participants, from April 1, 2021, to May 12, 2021. The findings of the study revealed that their lived experiences as transgenders made it apparent that they had been socially excluded and marginalized at many stages of their lives from performing normal social functions and roles and the COVID-19 pandemic has added to their miseries. Due to this health crisis, transgender people are struggling to manage the financial, mental, physical, and social issues it has created for this vulnerable group. Using a qualitative approach, this study aimed to examine the changing nature of the socio-cultural implications of COVID-19 on transgenders in Kashmir. Besides it is important to address the special needs of transgender people during this pandemic of COVID-19 and beyond.

  • Title : Child Labour in India - A Sociological Study
    Author(s) : Ajaz Ahmad Gilani
    KeyWords : Child-labour, Child rights, Crime, Bonded labour, Prevention
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    Child labor has become an important global issue and it is true that this problem is assuming an alarming proportion. Several factors have been contributing to the flare-up of this social problem. The sight of small kids polishing shoes on the roads, cleaning utensils in hotels and dhabas or working in factories is not unusual. It seems the hardships of life took birth with them only. This study attempts to determine the nature and magnitude of child labour in India and engages with why children are forced to take up employment and what could be the possible consequences of child labour. Methodologically, this study is based on the data collected from various governmental and non-governmental published reports using mixed approach to address the objectives of this study. The findings of the study show that although there has been a decline in the cases of child labour in India from 2001 census to 2011 census however the number of child labour cases is still high.

  • Title : Exploring changes in the institution of marriage among Bakerwals
    Author(s) : Farooq Ahmad Khan
    KeyWords : Perception, marriage, tribe, Bakerwal, family
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    Marriage stands as a cornerstone of social institutions, serving as the conduit through which families and societies endure. In India, it assumes paramount importance as a pivotal life event, carrying profound familial and societal implications. Across cultures, symbolic rituals and tangible symbols convey the cherished values, expectations, and ethos surrounding marriage and familial bonds. Among the Bakerwal tribe, steadfast adherence to time-honored customs and traditions prevails. Customs, in this context, encompass not merely statistical patterns of behavior but also embody a prescriptive dimension. For the Bakerwals, deviating from these customs signifies a transgression against their deeply held social tenets.

  • Title : Muslim Demography: Fertility and Family Planning
    Author(s) : Shahid Ahmad Naikoo
    KeyWords : Demography, Muslims, fertility, family planning, contraception, abortion
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    A demographic article makes us aware about the position of Muslims in today’s world. This paper will examine the number of Muslims throughout the world. It will examine higher Muslim fertility and its causes according to different thinkers. It will examine Family planning and whether Family planning is observed or not among Muslims. It will also examine attitudes of different schools of Islamic jurisprudence, village level religious leaders and ordinary Muslims towards contraception and abortion. Some studies regarding family planning are also discussed in this article. Fertility rates, are declining sharply in a number of major Muslim majority countries, will also be highlighted. In discussion section, it will be discussed whether Muslim fertility is really higher than non-Muslims or not.

  • Title : Social adaptation and resilience of children in care institutions: A systematic review of effective strategies and practices
    Author(s) : Irfan Ahmad Hajam
    KeyWords : Institutionalized children, Social adaptation, Resilience, Care institutions
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    This systematic review aims to explore the effective strategies and practices that can foster social adaptation and resilience in children residing in Care institutions. The review analyzes three main aspects of the Care institutions: enrichment activities, programs and practices, and care giving relationship. The findings suggest that enrichment activities can enhance the children’s social and emotional competence, socialization and identity formation, life skills and purpose, teamwork and communication, and cultural relevance and expression. The programs and practices can facilitate the children’s rites of passage and mental strength, socio-emotional behaviour and resilience, life skills and adjustment, participatory socialization and inclusion, and educational space and family values. The care giving relationship can influence the caregivers’ mental health and well-being, and their training and education. The review concludes that the Care institutions can play a vital role in promoting social adaptation and resilience in institutionalized children, and provides recommendations for future research and practice.

  • Title : Social media portrayal of male body images: A review of literature
    Author(s) : Mudasir Rashid
    KeyWords : Social Media, Portrayal, Body Image, Fitness, Masculinity, Self-perception
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    The digital age has witnessed a significant shift in the way men perceive and present their bodies, influenced by societal norms and online content. The influencers and fitness trends that are being presented on various social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube are playing a significant role in shaping the male body ideals. In this backdrop, the present study while relying on the existing literature aimed to study the social media portrayal of male body images in the contemporary times. It attempted to gain insights into the impact of media on individuals and society, and address its consequences on an individual’s self-perception and body dissatisfaction. The findings of this study have been presented under five broad themes including: (1) evolution of masculinity from cleanliness to makeup and fitness, (2) ways of portraying male body images on social media platforms, (3) influence of male body portrayal across age groups, (4) implications of portrayal on men, and (5) the relationship between media portrayal of masculine body and culture. The study concluded that masculinity has evolved drastically from traditional concepts of cleanliness to makeup and fitness in which the emergence of social media has played a pivotal role.

  • Title : Book Reviews
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