
  • Title : From Reform to Controversy: A Critical Analysis of India's Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Framework
    Author(s) : Iftikhar Hussain Bhat
    KeyWords : Environmental Impact Assessment, India, reforms, controversies, governance, sustainability, recommendations
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    Child labor has become an important global issue and it is true that this problem is assuming an alarming proportion. Several factors have been contributing to the flare-up of this social problem. The sight of small kids polishing shoes on the roads, cleaning utensils in hotels and dhabas or working in factories is not unusual. It seems the hardships of life took birth with them only. This study attempts to determine the nature and magnitude of child labour in India and engages with why children are forced to take up employment and what could be the possible consequences of child labour. Methodologically, this study is based on the data collected from various governmental and non-governmental published reports using mixed approach to address the objectives of this study. The findings of the study show that although there has been a decline in the cases of child labour in India from 2001 census to 2011 census however the number of child labour cases is still high.

  • Title : Child Labour in India - A Sociological Study
    Author(s) : Ajaz Ahmad Gilani
    KeyWords : Child-labour, Child rights, Crime, Bonded labour, Prevention
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    Child labor has become an important global issue and it is true that this problem is assuming an alarming proportion. Several factors have been contributing to the flare-up of this social problem. The sight of small kids polishing shoes on the roads, cleaning utensils in hotels and dhabas or working in factories is not unusual. It seems the hardships of life took birth with them only. This study attempts to determine the nature and magnitude of child labour in India and engages with why children are forced to take up employment and what could be the possible consequences of child labour. Methodologically, this study is based on the data collected from various governmental and non-governmental published reports using mixed approach to address the objectives of this study. The findings of the study show that although there has been a decline in the cases of child labour in India from 2001 census to 2011 census however the number of child labour cases is still high.

  • Title : Is Social Networking Sites (SNS) a gateway for women empowerment (gender inequality issues, decision making and leadership & exposing crime and harassment) of female college students? A study
    Author(s) : Syed Uzma Kubravi and Manzoor Hussain
    KeyWords : Social Networking Sites, Empowerment, Gender, Decision Making, Crime, Harassment, Female College Students.
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    Social networking sites (SNs) are a gateway of empowerment and have achieved an immense popularity among people all around the world. Though, social networking evolved to enhance communication through disseminating information and building interaction among people, yet its growing usage indicates a more viable potential to discuss issues and challenges through blogs, chats, online campaign, online discussion forums, and online communities. Eventually, it serve as a new effective platform for bringing people’s rights, issues and problems to the attention of a wider public and challenging discrimination and stereotypes. In the light of this backdrop, the present study is based on a sample of 200 respondents and conducted to investigate the role of social networking sites in addressing gender inequality issues, decision making, exposing crime and harassment among female college students of Srinagar district of Kashmir.

  • Title : Exploring the Interrelationships between Consumer Culture and Marriage: A Sociological Perspective on Muslims in the Era of Globalisation
    Author(s) : Shameem Ahamad Ganayee
    KeyWords : Consumerism, Marriage, Globalization, Muslims, Interplay, Culture, Identity, Cross-Cultural Influences
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    The advent of consumer culture and the forces of globalization have had a profound impact on various aspects of human life, although differently in varied parts of the world. In a globalized world, individuals and communities have been exposed to new ideas, values, and lifestyles, leading to significant changes in societal norms and expectations surrounding every institution especially the institution of marriage. Consequently, the Muslim population, which constitutes a significant portion of the global community, has not been immune to the influence of consumer culture. They have encountered the influx of consumer culture through various channels, such as media, technology, and transnational networks. These factors have contributed to the transformation of marital dynamics and choices within Muslim communities. The present paper aims to explore the relationship between consumer society and marriage in the era of globalization, with a specific focus on the Muslim population. The paper investigates how the rise of consumer culture and the forces of globalization have impacted marital dynamics, choices, and expectations among Muslims. Additionally, the paper explores the interplay between consumerism, marriage, and Islamic traditions, analyzing the challenges and adaptations that arise in the context. The study employs a narrative review (preliminary assessment of potential size and scope of available research literature) research method.

  • Title : Life Expectancy and the Related Disparities in India: An Overview of Recent Evidence
    Author(s) : Zakir Hussain Gadda
    KeyWords : Caste, disparity, geography, gender, hierarchy, India, life expectancy at birth
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    The average life expectancy has improved steadily and significantly across all regions of the world, including India. This extraordinary rise can be attributed to improvements in living standards, economic growth, and poverty reduction, alongside advancements in neonatal healthcare, antibiotics, vaccines, public health efforts, nutrition, safe drinking water and sanitation. These advancements have played a key role in reducing mortality across all age cohorts. However, despite progressive health gains, disparities persist in longevity. This study, as such, aims to highlight the trends and disparities in life expectancy at birth across India while relying on secondary sources of data. The study results reveal substantial variations in life expectancy among individuals and groups, influenced by factors such as wealth, geography, gender, and caste. Therefore, addressing these disparities is imperative for achieving equitable health outcomes in India.

  • Title : Understanding the Dynamics of Domestic Violence among Married Women in Urban Srinagar and its Ripple Effect on Family Structure and Children
    Author(s) : Mudasir Ahmad Nazar
    KeyWords : Domestic violence, women, family structures, broken families, children
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    Domestic violence is a problem of epidemic proportions with far-reaching consequences for individual victims, their children and their communities. According to the latest report of the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), “in every three minutes a crime has been reported against women in India. Two women are raped every sixty minutes in the country. A young married woman is found beaten to death or burnt every six hours. Violence against women is not a new thing. Women have been bearing domestic, public, physical and mental violence against them for a very long time, which has also affected their status in society. Domestic violence in Indian culture includes violence from the husband as well as the in-laws. Women are expected to endure violence for fear of bringing shame to their families. It is over the last decade that research in this field of domestic violence has led to greater recognition of the issue as a public health problem. The present study was undertaken to explore the lived experience of married women regarding domestic violence in urban Srinagar. Furthermore, it explores the complex and often obscured issue related to domestic violence, which makes it imperative to shed light on the prevalence, dynamics, and consequences of domestic violence within Kashmir. The socio-political landscape of the region and traditional patriarchal norms exacerbate the vulnerability of women to various forms of violence within familial settings. Administrated online interview method on 12 participants, based on purposive sample technique. The results of the study are divided into four themes, which revealed that violence against women is the harsh reality of today which exists in urban Kashmir in various forms and contents. In Kashmir where women are thought to be highly esteemed, many examples of violence against women exist. The impact of violence leaves behind many broken families, which impacts children. Children are often the silent and innocent victims, bearing the emotional and psychological scars of broken families out of domestic violence.